Your Valentine's Day Itinerary

Your Valentine's Day Itinerary - Life Elements

Life Elements

Jan 26, 2021

Allow us to present your Valentine's Day Itinerary, featuring 20% off intimacy lubricant and the Venus Bath Bomb with code LOVE20 (code is not value after February 14th, 2022). Also featured: A steamy date night (works for just you, or you and your boo), that you'll want to replicate time and again.

Step 1: Set the Scene

It's called ambiance, people. Light some candles, cue the playlist, and hang those terrycloth robes on the door. Flowers and some bubbly beverages are encouraged.

Step 2: Fizz & Soak 

Venus 300mg CBD Bath Bomb

Once the mood is dialed, fill the tub.

Drop the Venus 300mg CBD Bath Bomb into the tub and let it fizz. Get in and soak with your partner for 20-30 minutes. Pro tip: Massages pair well with bathtubs. 

Feel yourselves unwind and relax with high-quality, organic hemp-derived CBD. These Bath Bombs are also made with essential oils, designed to spice things up.

 Step 3: Intimacy Lubricant

lubricant CBD

Time for the Body Oil. Big reveal: It's lube, aka intimacy formula, aka game-changer in the bedroom. After you soak, bring the Oil into the bedroom and enjoy its pleasure-enhancing effects. 

Use it on yourself, your toys, or your partner—but remember—oil goes a long way and it's long-lasting. You won't need much.

Engage in foreplay for 10-15 minutes to allow for CBD to interact with your receptors, thereby enhancing pleasure, relaxation, and blood flow. 

Keep in mind: Oil and latex are not friends. This lubricant is not suitable for condoms. 


Shop Venus ❤️ Shop Oil